A collective of visionaries reflecting healing light and energy into the dark corners of people’s lives.

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Meet the Founder

Will Koehler, PhD, LCSW

(pronouns: he/they)

Dr. Koehler is the founder of Disco Sock Productions, counseling practice owner of Journey to a Trauma Informed Life, LLC, memoir author, Executive Director of Journey: Healing Together, and an expert in trauma-informed LGBTQ+ mental health. Since 2009, he has provided evidence-based counseling in NW PA. Koehler also offers training, supervision, and consulting services, focusing on LGBTQ+ competency and trauma-informed practices. Disco Sock Productions, dedicated to illuminating trauma's darkness, serves as an online coaching and training platform.



Where would we be without caregivers? The word doesn't do justice for how much they mean to us. Whether it is a parent, a nurse, a dear friend, or someone in your community that is always looking out for others, we can all thank someone who fills this essential role in our life. Here's a free guide to give you some ideas on how to show them just how much they mean to you.

Author: Will Koehler, PhD, LCSW

Dragons & Disco Socks

This books takes a deep dive into a two-year quest to rescue an abandoned inner child from the clutches of his nemesis, the Sparkly Man. Through a controversial technique called Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), the author is guided by his trusted therapist to discover a part of himself trapped in an agonizing pattern of reliving his past. She helps him resurrect his imaginary childhood friends to form a ragtag band of travelers who help him navigate through distorted memories to set his younger self free.